Judith Geiger

About Paintings on Silk:

Each piece is entirely hand painted by Judith Geiger with brilliant permanent pigments on China silk. The white outlines result from a resist which is drawn on the silk. The resist creates a barrier which prevents the different colors from bleeding into each other. The pigments are then painted in with water color brushes. Completed paintings are allowed to dry and hand cleaned to remove the resist. They are stretched on archival boards in preparation for framing. The pieces are each signed in resist on the front. The paintings can be repeated, although each is done entirely by hand, and will vary slightly in details and colors. No two are exactly alike.

Paintings are archivally mounted on acid-free matboard with a two inch off-white border and available either unframed, or framed in square profile natural ramin wood frames with clear acrylic.

A Note from the Artist:

"My interests lie in creating work which is bold, bright, fun and graphically stimulating. I try to make the ordinary into something different and unexpected. Hopefully, it will put a smile on someone's face and brighten their world."
As an artist, Judith Geiger has chosen to express the lighter, whimsical side of life. A B.A. in painting from the University of California at Santa Barbara and an M.F.A. in textiles from the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York provided the theoretical foundation. The artist's seaside hometown of Santa Barbara provides much of the inspiration.

Judith's paintings on silk and licensed designs have been exhibited and sold worldwide. For more information on Judith Geiger's original artwork, product designs or special commissions, please contact the Judith Geiger Studio.

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Copyright © 1996-2003 Judith Geiger Studio. All Rights Reserved.