Celebrity Interviews-Minnie Boche

Hello my name is Faux Toe (Foe-toe) and I am going to be interviewing Superstar Minnie Boche.

Faux: Hello Minnie!

Minnie: Hello Faux!

F: I am a huge fan of your movies-anything new coming up?

M: Well I just got married so I don't think I'll be doing anything huge for a while, I am doing a cameo in Tonight we dance as the dance instructor-Mirlinda.

F: Speaking of your marriage, how's it going, where did you first meet him?

M: Actually Faux, he's a she! No I'm joking, I met HIM at a publicity event I was hosting. Vokey just came over (not knowing who I was!) to ask where the bathroom was located! It was love at first sight. Me and Mr. Boche are leaving in 2 hours to go on a vacation to Vacation Island. We have reservations at the Star Hotel.

F: Sounds like a real catch there Minnie! Hahaha, great talking with you, hope we can do it again, thanks Minnie!

M: Thanks Faux!

What's new in Studio Town?

What, you ask is wrong with this picture? Well the fact that our beloved, most famous celebrity is hanging out at Meeker Studios, the newest underdog in StudioTown. How can this be possible when she could be hanging out at Fairchild Studios? We have NO idea.

Meeker studios gets new SkyDiving Set. This little underdog is getting bigger every second. They are currently the only studio in StudioTown that owns a set that can be used to shoot falling scenes and flying scenes. Will Fairchild and KWLW Studios get one too?

Behind the Scenes-As the Heart Beats. Did you know that Mr. A. Harding, the dying stepfather of Lorvina Harding, is actually just a prop of a guy in full body cast! His voice is played by Will A. Meeker, but not his body! Betcha didn't know that. Now if your wondering if that evil Lorvina is actually a robot- you'll just have to see the next episode.