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Theatrical Design «

M I S C _ D E S I G N S
a little showcase of the miscellaneous

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~click photos to enlarge~

On the last day of my nineteenth century american drama class we threw a nineteenth century party according to the 1858 guide "The Sociable, Or, A Thousand and One Home Amusements". This was my costume.

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I enjoy dressing up and festivity. For New Year 2012 my best friends and I made crowns. This was mine. (tinsel, remnants of a bracelet, dino action figures, and fake flowers)

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~a homemade chess board ~

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In 2012 I volunteered my time as a server for the Santa Barbara Waldorf Schools' annual fundraiser "The Paper Ball". This year's theme was Circus and I was to come dressed accordingly. The first picture was a preliminary costume idea, but I ended up dressing myself in the vestments seen in the third picture (from left). The other two pictures depict the painted tights I made and jeweled to get a sort of fantasy tattoo effect.

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~ Fake Corn I made for a prop project in Design Class ~

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This is a picture of the model box of our first set design project in class sophomore year. The project was to design a set for one of two japanese poems. The poem I chose was about a heartbroken woman on a boat who, after lamentation, steps off from the boat and into the water. In this photo it is sort of hard to see but there is a white boat amid a sea of broken cardboard boxes and other packing trash. In the background there are silhouetted mountains made of torn paper and a starry night sky. One large lightbulb hangs from the ceiling.