Theatrical Design «
O R P H E U S _ D E S C E N D I N G
Sophomore Directing/Design Project
Directed by Jordan J. Baum
Written by Tennessee Williams
Set/Lighting/Costume Design: Eliana Mullins
These are archival photos of my design for ORPHEUS DESCENDING. The project was a joint directing/design class project in which my friend Jordan directed a scene from Orpheus Descending and I had to create a full design, a rehearsal version of which would be presented on the scene's final presentation day in class.
Below are pictures of the model box I made for the set:

 Clockwise from Top Left: 1. Detail of the entrances into the dry goods store and the entrance from the store to the confectionary. Note the jagged top line of the set, the distressed gray floorboards and walls and the sterile silhouette art. 2. A full side view of the set. The white lines painted on the ground serve as an abstraction of the staircase that leads to the room where Lady's husband Jabe is dying. Since he has a sort of omnipresent and oppressive presence in the play, I designed a 3. Large practical shadow puppetry picture frame that would be illuminated throughout the production. (See Below for Detail) 4. A top view of the model-box and set design. Note the floor of the confectionary. Masking tape serves as a stand in for audience chairs. |
In the final presentation of the scene, I was supposed to implement a rehearsal version of the design. I created a shadow puppet frame that hung where the back wall of the set and operated the screen which showed a sick Jabe and his nurse entering and leaving the room. When they left the room they would appear from behind a curtain and come down the "stairs", lines of white tape on the ground that curled at the end. Below are close up photos of the shadow puppetry and the rehearsal stand in for the confectionary.
~click photos to enlarge~